La douleur interdit-elle votre capacité à profiter du temps en famille?Notre soulagement d'actualité vous a-t-il aidé à surmonter cela? Soumettez votre histoire!
Merci de nous avoir fait de nous la marque analgésique n ° 1 au Canada depuis 2019(Source: Neilson).
Nous sommes fiers d'être des chefs de soins médicaux en soulagement de la douleur de confiance.
Dites-nous(dans la section des commentaires ci-dessous) Comment le soulagement de la douleur supplémentaire de Kalaya 6X vous a aidé à profiter à nouveau du temps en famille, sans douleur!
Les gagnants recevront:
- Carte-cadeau de 30 $ à kalaya.ca (achetez vos produits préférés ou essayez quelque chose de nouveau!)
- Votre histoire a figuré sur notre site Web, notre e-newsletters et les médias sociaux!
Les soumissions se terminent le 14 février.
3 gagnants seront sélectionnés le 14 février.
New Sleep & Relaxation Product Empowers Pain Sufferers to Overcome Stress, Anxiety, and Sleepless Nights
10 conseils pour la douleur au jardinage
10 conseils pour gérer la douleur pendant les vacances de Pâques
Alors que les vacances de Pâques s'approchent, beaucoup d'entre nous attendent avec impatience les rassemblements ...
10 façons faciles de célébrer la Journée mondiale de la santé
La Journée mondiale de la santé est une journée spéciale dédiée à la sensibilisation aux problèmes de santé et à l...
La douleur vous retient-elle du jardinage?
Saviez-vous? Les douleurs au bas du dos sont une plainte courante de jardinage.
Si vous êtes un jardinier o...
1 femmes sur 6 recherchent un meilleur soulagement de la douleur. Êtes-vous un d'entre eux?
La douleur vous tient-elle la nuit?
Les jours sont encore sombres, les nuits sont assez froides, et ça peut aller ... si seulement vous pouviez passer...
100% des personnes ont ressenti un soulagement en 3 minutes
Zonta Club Merci Kalaya
Bonjour Kalaya,
Au nom du Zonta Club de Kitchener-Waterloo, merci beaucoup pour votre parraina...
Lucy Giesbrecht /
I am 74 years old and have been having a lot of pain in my shoulder. Since using Kalaya 6X extra strength pain reliever and Kalaya Joint & Muscle Capsules I can not sleep at night without pain. During the day I can do a lot of things that I could not do before without pain. Thank you Kalaya
AF Walsh /
I love Kalaya 6X Extra Strength Pain Relief. I put it on my shoulder at night before bed and the pain in my shoulder
does not wake me up anymore.
Thank you.
Rosemary Mclaughlin /
We are a family that unfortunately have a number of our members who suffer from varying arthritic problems. I first heard about Kayla and their products from my sister Sharon . She raved about the pain easing abilities and let me try her Kalaya 6x pain relief and I was hooked ! News of this great product spread through our family and finding out the store front was in Cambridge and easy to get to , most of our family members are now benefiting from its relief. From my elderly Mother to my two sister , my Nephew, my children and myself , we all love this and many of the Kayla family of products!
Stacy NASHIM /
For me, Kalaya 6X Pain Relief Cream is a Godsend. I put it on my hip and arthritic toes before golfing and it makes for a pain-free game (pain-free on the body, not pain-free on the scorecard… though, that would be amazing). But my best Kalaya story comes from a family friend. My teenaged son’s best buddy was in a terrible, scary snowmobiling accident 3 years ago where he broke his back. After surgery and some fancy new hardware he’s doing well but has a lot of pain after an average “teenaged-boy” kinda day. One evening last winter, I sent him home with a tube of 6X Pain Cream. A little while later I got a phone call from the dear boy…“what did you give me? How do I make it stop? Its burning soooo bad! I’m going outside to lay in the snow!” Then his mom gets on the line and asks me how much cream she should have put on the poor buggers back. So tell her that about the size a nickel rubbed in really well, should do it. When she finally stops laughing enough to tell me what’s going on, she tells me that she put about FIFTY cents worth on the boy. I just about fell off my chair. The boy survived and won’t ever use anything else but Kalaya.
Janet Oegema /
I have arthritis all over and nothing seemed to help with the pain till I was introduced to Kalaya. Probably 6 years ago. Since then It is the only pain relief I use and have shared it with anyone who complains of pain. I work in a family doctor office and recommend to patients who say the rx’s they receive don’t help. I have even bought extra to take with to Cuba in 2022 to give to friends and workers on the golf course who suffer from pain.