La douleur interdit-elle votre capacité à profiter du temps en famille?Notre soulagement d'actualité vous a-t-il aidé à surmonter cela? Soumettez votre histoire!
Merci de nous avoir fait de nous la marque analgésique n ° 1 au Canada depuis 2019(Source: Neilson).
Nous sommes fiers d'être des chefs de soins médicaux en soulagement de la douleur de confiance.
Dites-nous(dans la section des commentaires ci-dessous) Comment le soulagement de la douleur supplémentaire de Kalaya 6X vous a aidé à profiter à nouveau du temps en famille, sans douleur!
Les gagnants recevront:
- Carte-cadeau de 30 $ à (achetez vos produits préférés ou essayez quelque chose de nouveau!)
- Votre histoire a figuré sur notre site Web, notre e-newsletters et les médias sociaux!
Les soumissions se terminent le 14 février.
3 gagnants seront sélectionnés le 14 février.
New Sleep & Relaxation Product Empowers Pain Sufferers to Overcome Stress, Anxiety, and Sleepless Nights
10 conseils pour la douleur au jardinage
10 conseils pour gérer la douleur pendant les vacances de Pâques
Alors que les vacances de Pâques s'approchent, beaucoup d'entre nous attendent avec impatience les rassemblements ...
10 façons faciles de célébrer la Journée mondiale de la santé
La Journée mondiale de la santé est une journée spéciale dédiée à la sensibilisation aux problèmes de santé et à l...
La douleur vous retient-elle du jardinage?
Saviez-vous? Les douleurs au bas du dos sont une plainte courante de jardinage.
Si vous êtes un jardinier o...
1 femmes sur 6 recherchent un meilleur soulagement de la douleur. Êtes-vous un d'entre eux?
La douleur vous tient-elle la nuit?
Les jours sont encore sombres, les nuits sont assez froides, et ça peut aller ... si seulement vous pouviez passer...
100% des personnes ont ressenti un soulagement en 3 minutes
Zonta Club Merci Kalaya
Bonjour Kalaya,
Au nom du Zonta Club de Kitchener-Waterloo, merci beaucoup pour votre parraina...
Carrie King /
Love Kalaya products and 6X is one of my “go to” items. There was a sample put in with one of my TSC packages and I am so happy to have found out about these products. I recommend them or give as gifts to friends!
Tammy /
Where do I begin, years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis from an early age of in my twenties . I’d suffered for years in pain but a busy life with young children kept me from taking “me time.” Finally, the pain was keeping me from enjoying time with my family so I decided to make an appointment for a massage. My masseuse used Kaylaya 6X Pain Relief on me and I loved the scent, peppermint, who doesn’t love peppermint? The immediate feeling of heat and the long lasting effect from using this product had me questioning where could I purchase this miracle cream. I asked where I could purchase it and at the time it was at a store right beside her office. Since then, the company has grown, and had outgrown their current facility and moved to Cambridge. I totally understand why, I have many of their product lines. I love them! I’ve used the Kaylaya 6X Pain Relief ever since. I’ve used it on my elderly parents for their ongoing aches and pains and they too agree it’s far more effective than products they’ve used in the past. I give this product a 10/10!
Carole /
I had been suffering intense back pain for years with no relief. I tried many products on the open market to no avail. I was beginning to think I was never going to get relief. My Doctor thought anti inflammatory drugs would help but, I an sensitive to all of those drugs. Watching the shopping channel I caught the Kalaya promo. I thought why not I have tried everything else.
I tried the 6x relief cream and have not looked back. It gives me great relief.
I had to have major back surgery in 2019. Kalaya helped again..
I swear by this product. My whole family uses it now. My grandchildren love it for growing pains.
Canadian made. Thank you Kalaya.
Christine Noseworthy /
Kalaya came into my life via a great friend. With her raving about this I gave it a try. It’s been a great thing too. I’m able to work without being is so much pain. As well as letting me do more family stuff and helping me sleep. I’ve since passed this product benefits to my co-workers.
Keep up the great job!
Susan /
Honestly I don’t know where I’d be without my Kalaya products. I use them both daily and at night to sleep. After a car accident just before Covid hit my left side has been in crazy pain. I rub on the 6xactive relief where I can and roil on the massager where I can’t! And for the really hard to reach spots I use the sprays. I keep the roller tube in my purse for easy access when I’m out. It’s not greasy once you rub it in and I love the smell, plus it doesn’t harm my clothes. Headaches, Tendinitis, bursitis sore joints, and sprained and strained shoulder and back muscles, leg muscles it works on me from head to toe ! I love that I can walk in and buy it right at KALAYA! I’m so lucky as my weekly massage therapist uses it since I told her about it. Truly a lifesaver and not another chemical pill to ingest , it just works where I need it.